

词汇 comment
释义 *comment¹
/ˈkɒment ||; ˈkɑmɛnt/noun [C,U] comment (about/on sth) something that you say or write that gives your opinion or feeling about sth 评论: The chancellor was not available for comment. 当时无法邀得总理发表评论。I heard someone make a rude commentabout my clothes. 我听到有人对我的衣着发表难听的议论。 ☞Look at observation and remark. 参看observationremarkno comment used in reply to a question when you do not want to say anything at all (用于响应不愿置评的问题)无可奉告: ‘Mr President, how do you feel about these latest developments?’ ‘No comment.’ “总统先生,您对事态的最新发展有什么看法?”“无可奉告。”
/ˈkɒment ||; ˈkɑmɛnt/verb [I,T] comment (on sth) to say what you think or feel about sth 评论: Several people commented on how ill David looked. 有几个人都说过戴维的脸色怎样难看,像是病了。




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