

词汇 middle
释义 *middle¹
/ˈmɪdl ||; ˈmɪdḷ/noun
1 [sing] the middle (of sth) the part, point or position that is at about the same distance from the two ends or sides of sth 中间;中部;中央: the white line in the middle of the road 马路中央的白线Here's a photo of me with my two brothers. I'm the one in the middle. 这是我跟两个兄弟的合影。中间那个就是我。 Centre and middle are often very similar in meaning, but centre is used when you mean the exact middle of something How do you find the centre of a circle? There was a large table in the middle of the room. The bee stung me right in the middle of my back. When you are talking about a period of time only middle may be used in the middle of the night the middle of July centremiddle通常意思很相近,但centre用于表示正中心:How do you find the centre of a circle?如何找出圆心?·There was a large table in the middle of the room.房间的中央有一张大桌子。·The bee stung me right in the middle of my back.蜜蜂在我背中央蜇了一口。 用于一段时间时,只能用middle:in the middle of the night在半夜 · the middle of July七月中旬
2 [C] (informal 非正式) your waist 腰部: I want to lose weight around my middle. 我想要让腰部苗条些。
be in the middle of sth/doing sth to be busy doing sth 忙于…: Can you call back in five minutes -- I'm in the middle of feeding the baby. 五分钟后再打电话过来好吗─我在忙着喂孩子呢。 in the middle of nowhere a long way from any town 远离城镇
/ˈmɪdl ||; ˈmɪdḷ/adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前) in the middle 中间的: I wear my ring on my middle finger. 我把戒指戴在中指上。




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