

词汇 suspicion
释义 *suspicion
/səˈspɪʃn ||; səˈspɪʃən/noun
1 [C,U] a feeling or belief that sth is wrong or that sb has done sth wrong 疑心;怀疑: I always treat smiling politicians with suspicion. 对于笑容满面的政客,我总是疑心重重。She was arrested on suspicion of murder. 她涉嫌谋杀被捕。He is under suspicion of being involved in drug smuggling. 他被怀疑参与毒品走私。
2 [C] a feeling that sth may happen or be true 猜想: I have a suspicion that he's forgotten he invited us. 我猜想他已经忘了他邀请过我们。 ☞verb suspect 动词为suspect




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