

词汇 surprise
释义 *surprise¹
/səˈpraɪz ||; sɚˈpraɪz/noun
1 [U] the feeling that you have when sth happens that you do not expect 惊奇;惊讶: They looked up in surprise when she walked in. 她走进来时他们吃惊地抬起头来。 To my surprisethey all agreed with me. 想不到他们都同意我的看法。
2 [C] something that you did not expect or know about 意外的事;想不到的事: What a pleasant surprise to see you again! 再次见到你,真令人惊喜!The news came as a complete surprise. 这个消息完全出乎意料之外。a surprise visit/attack/party 出人意表的访问╱攻击╱聚会
take sb by surprise to happen or do sth when sb is not expecting it 出人意表地发生或做某事;使措手不及
/səˈpraɪz ||; sɚˈpraɪz/verb[T]
1 to make sb feel surprised 使惊奇或感到意外: It wouldn't surprise me if you get the job. 如果你获得那份工作,我不会感到意外。
2 to attack or find sb suddenly and unexpectedly 突然袭击;突然发现;撞见




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