

词汇 player
释义 *player
/ˈpleɪə(r) ||; ˈpleɚ/noun[C]
1 a person who plays a game or sport 游戏者;运动员;选手: a game for four players 四人玩的游戏She's an excellent tennis player. 她是个出色的网球选手。
2 (used to form compound nouns 用于构成复合名词) a machine on which you can listen to sound that has been recorded on CD, tape, etc (播放激光唱片、录音带等的)机器;唱机: a CD/cassette player 激光唱片唱机;盒式录音带放音机
3 a person who plays a musical instrument 乐器演奏者;乐师: a piano player 钢琴演奏者




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