

词汇 play
释义 *play¹
/pleɪ ||; ple/verb
1 [I] play (with sb/sth) to do sth to enjoy yourself; to have fun 玩;玩耍;游乐: The children have been playing on the beach all day. 孩子们整天都在沙滩上玩耍。Emma's found a new friend to play with. 埃玛找到一个可以跟她一起玩耍的新朋友。
2 [I,T] to take part in a game or sport 参与(游戏、体育运动或比赛) [T] to play football/tennis/hockey 踢足球;打网球;打曲棍球: I usually play against Bill. 我通常以比尔为对手。She played him at table tennis and won. 她跟他打乒乓球赢了。Do you know how to play chess? 你会下棋吗?Who's Brazil playing next in the World Cup? 巴西队在世界杯中接下来跟哪个队比赛?
3 [I,T] play (sth) (on sth) to make music with a musical instrument 演奏(乐器) [T] to play the piano/guitar/trumpet 弹钢琴;弹吉他;吹小号: My son's learning the piano. He plays very well. 我的儿子正在学弹钢琴,他弹得很好。She played a few notes on the violin. 她用小提琴拉了几个音。 ☞Look at the note at piano. 参看piano的注释。
4 [T] to turn on a video, tape, etc so that it produces sound 播放(录像、录音带等): Shall I play the CD for you again? 我把那张激光唱片再放一遍给你听好吗?
5 [I,T] to act in a play, film, television programme, etc; to act the role of sb (在戏剧、电影、电视节目等中)扮演(角色);演(戏) · Richard is going to play Romeo. 理查德德将扮演罗密欧。
Play a part, role, etc is often used in a figurative way Britain has played an active part in the recent discussions. John played a key role in organizing the protest. play a partrole等常用作比喻:Britain has played an active role in the recent discussions.在近期的讨论中,英国起了积极的作用。·John played a key role in organizing the protest.约翰在组织那次抗议活动中扮演了重要的角色。
6 [I] (formal 正式) to move quickly and lightly 轻快地移动: Sunlight played on the surface of the sea. 阳光在海面上闪烁。
For idioms containing play, look at the entries for the nouns, adjectives, etc, for example play it by ear is at ear. 含play的习语,参看有关名词、形容词等词条,如play it by ear可参看词条earplay at sth/being sth to do sth with little interest or effort 不太热心、不认真或敷衍地做: He's only playing at studying. He'd prefer to get a job now. 他读书只是敷衍而已,他现在更想找一份工作。What is that driver playing at (= doing)? 那个司机究竟在做什么? play sth back (to sb) to turn on and watch or listen to a film, tape, etc that you have recorded 播放,看,听(录好的电影、录音带等): Play that last scene back to me again. 把最后那个片断再放一遍给我看。 play sth down to make sth seem less important than it really is 降低某事物的重要性;淡化: to play down a crisis 把危机的严重性讲得轻些 play A off against B to make people compete or argue with each other, especially for your own advantage 使两人相争或相斗(尤指以便从中得到好处): I think she enjoys playing one friend off against another. 我认为她喜欢挑拨朋友之间的关系。 play on sth to use and take advantage of sb's fears or weaknesses 利用(某人的恐惧或弱点): This advertising campaign plays on people's fears of illness. 这项广告活动利用人们对疾病的恐惧心理。 play (sb) up(informal 非正式) to cause sb trouble or pain 给某人带来麻烦或痛苦: The car always plays up in wet weather. 这辆汽车总是在下雨天出毛病。
/pleɪ ||; ple/noun
1 [C] a piece of writing performed by actors in the theatre, or on television or radio 戏剧: Would you like to see a play while you're in London? 你在伦敦的时候,想去看戏吗?a radio/television play 广播剧;电视剧
Actors and actresses rehearse a play. A theatre company, drama group, etc produces a play. A play is usually acted on a stage. 演员排演(rehearse)一出戏剧。剧团上演(produce)戏剧。戏剧通常在舞台(stage)上演出。
2 [U] the playing of a game or sport 进行,举行(游戏或体育运动): Bad weather stopped play yesterday. 恶劣天气使昨天的比赛受阻。
We play tennis, football, etc but we cannot say a play of tennis. We have a game of tennis. 打网球、踢足球等说play tennis/football…,而不说a play of tennis,只说a game of tennis。
3 [U] activity done for enjoyment only, especially by children 玩耍,游戏,嬉戏(尤指儿童的): Young children learn through play. 幼童从游戏中学习。the happy sound of children at play 孩子们玩耍的快活声音
4 [U] a control on a video or cassette player, etc that you press to start the tape running (录象机或录音机上的)播放键: Put the video into the machine then press play. 把录像带放进机器里,然后单击播放键。
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