

词汇 humour
释义 *humour¹
/ˈhju:mə(r) ||; ˈhjumɚ/(US 美 humor) noun [U]:
1 the funny or amusing qualities of sb/sth 诙谐;幽默: It is sometimes hard to understand the humour (= the jokes) of another country. 外国的笑话有时很难领会。
2 being able to see when sth is funny and to laugh at things 幽默感: Rose has a good sense of humour. 罗斯很有幽默感。
3 -humoured(US 美 -humored) (used to form compound adjectives 用于构成复合形容词) having or showing a particular mood 心情…;脾气…: good-humoured 脾气好
/ˈhju:mə(r) ||; ˈhjumɚ/(US 美 humor) verb [T] to keep sb happy by doing what he/she wants 迁就




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