

词汇 humble
释义 humble¹
/ˈhʌmbl ||; ˈhʌmbḷ/adj
1 not thinking that you are better or more important than other people; not proud 谦卑的;谦恭的: He became very rich and famous but he always remained a very humble man. 他发了财,成了名,可是仍然很谦卑。 ☞noun humility 名词为humility ☞Look at modest. 参看modest
2 not special or important 卑微的;低下的: She comes from a humble background. 她出身卑微。 humbly /ˈhʌmbli ||; ˈhʌmblɪ/ adv He apologized very humbly for his behaviour. 他低声下气地为自己的行为道歉。
/ˈhʌmbl ||; ˈhʌmbḷ/verb [T] to make sb feel that he/she is not as good or important as he/she thought 使谦卑或卑微




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