

词汇 captive
释义 captive¹
/ˈkæptɪv ||; ˈkæptɪv/adj kept as a prisoner; (used about animals) kept in a cage, etc 被俘虏;(动物)困在笼中 (figurative 比喻) a captive audience (= listening because they cannot leave) 脱不了身的听众 hold sb captive to keep sb as a prisoner and not allow him/her to escape 囚禁 take sb captive to catch sb and hold him/her as your prisoner 俘虏 It is also possible to say hold sb prisoner and take sb prisoner. 也可以说 hold sb prisonertake sb prisoner
/ˈkæptɪv ||; ˈkæptɪv/noun [C] a prisoner 囚犯;俘虏




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