

词汇 stream
释义 *stream¹
/stri:m ||; strim/noun[C]
1 a small river 小河;溪流: I waded across the shallow stream. 我涉水过了那条不深的小河。
2 the continuous movement of a liquid or gas (液体或气体的)不停流动: a stream of blood 一股血
3 a continuous movement of people or things (人或物的)不断移动: a stream of traffic 川流不息的车辆
4 a large number of things which happen one after another 连续出现的事物;接二连三的事物: a stream of letters/telephone calls/questions 连续不断的信件╱电话╱问题
/stri:m ||; strim/verb[I]
1 (used about a liquid, gas or light) to flow in large amounts (指液体、气体或光)大量地涌、流或射: Tears were streaming down his face. 他泪流满面。Sunlight was streaming in through the windows. 阳光正从窗口射进来。
2 (used about people or things) to move somewhere in a continuous flow (指人或物)不停流动或涌: People were streaming out of the station. 人潮正从车站涌出。




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