

词汇 just
释义 *just¹
/dʒʌst ||; dʒʌst/adv
1 a very short time before 刚刚: She's just been to the shops. 她刚刚去过商店。He'd just returned from France when I saw him. 我看见他的时候,他刚刚从法国回来。They came here just before Easter. 他们就在复活节前来过这里。
2 at exactly this/that moment, or immediately after 就在那个时刻;当时: He was just about to break the window when he noticed a policeman. 他正要破窗而入的时候看到警察来了。I was just going to phone my mother when she arrived. 我妈妈到来的时候,我正准备打电话给她。 Just as I was beginning to enjoy myself, John said it was time to go. 我正开始玩得开心的时候,约翰说我们该走了。 Just then the door opened. 就在那个时候,门打开了。
3 exactly 正好;正是: It's just eight o'clock. 正好八点。That's just what I meant. 那正是我的意思。You're just as clever ashe is. 你跟他一样聪明。The room was too hot before, but now it's just right. 房间里本来太热,现在温度正好。He looks just like his father. 他长得活像他的父亲。My arm hurts just here. 我的胳膊痛,就在这里。
4 only 只是;不过是: She's just a child. 她只是一个孩子。Just a minute! I'm nearly ready. 等一下,我马上就准备好。
5 almost not; hardly 几乎不;勉强地: I could only just hear what she was saying. 我勉强听得到她的话。We got to the station just in time. 我们及时到达车站,不过好险。
6 (often with the imperative 常与祈使语气动词连用) used for getting attention or to emphasize what you are saying (用于引起注意或加强语气): Just let me speak for a moment, will you? 让我说几句话,好不好?I just don't want to go to the party. 我就是不想去这个酒会。
7 used with might, may or could to express a slight possibility 与mightmaycould连用,表示略有这种可能: This might just/just might be the most important decision of your life. 这可能是你一生中最重要的决定。
8 really; absolutely 真的;绝对: The whole day was just fantastic! 这一整天可真精彩!
all/just the sameSAMEit is just as well (that...) it is a good thing 是好事;倒也不错: It's just as well you remembered to bring your umbrella! 好在你记得带雨伞! ☞Look also at (just) as well (to do sth) at well. 另参看well词条下的(just) as well (to do sth)just about almost or approximately 几乎;近乎: I've just about finished. 我差不多完成了。Karen's plane should be taking off just about now. 卡伦乘坐的飞机这时候差不多该起飞了。 just in case in order to be completely prepared or safe 以防万一: It might be hot in France -- take your shorts just in case. 法国也许很热,把短裤也带上,以防万一。 just now
1 at this exact moment or during this exact period 眼下;现在;此刻: I can't come with you just now -- can you wait 20 minutes? 我现在不能跟你去,请你等20分钟,行吗?
2 a very short time ago 刚才;不久前: I saw Tony just now. 我刚才见过托尼。
just so exactly right 正是如此 not just yet not now, but probably quite soon 并非现在,但也许过不多久
/dʒʌst ||; dʒʌst/adj fair and right; reasonable 公正的;合理的: I don't think that was a very just decision. 我认为这个决定不大公正。 justly adv




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