/ˈdʒʌmbl ||; ˈdʒʌmbḷ/verb [T] (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) jumble sth (up/together) to mix things together in a confused and untidy way 使杂乱;弄乱: I must sort my clothes out -- they're all jumbled up in the drawer.我的衣服都乱七八糟堆在抽屉里﹐我要整理一下。
/ˈdʒʌmbl ||; ˈdʒʌmbḷ/noun
1 [sing] an untidy group of things; a mess 杂乱的一堆: a jumble of papers/ideas杂乱无章的文件╱思想
2 [U] (Brit 英) a collection of old things for a jumble sale 作义卖用途的旧物: Have you got any jumble you don't want?你有没有不要的旧东西可以作义卖?