

词汇 fee
释义 *fee
/fi: ||; fi/noun[C]
1 (usually plural 通常用复数) the money you pay for professional advice or service from doctors, lawyers, schools, universities, etc (付给私人医生、律师、学校等的)费用: We can't afford private school fees. 我们负担不起私立学校的学费。Most ticket agencies will charge a small fee. 大多数代理售票处要收一小笔的手续费。
2 the cost of an exam, the cost of becoming a member of a club, the amount you pay to go into certain buildings, etc (考试、俱乐部、入场等收取的)费用: How much is the entrance fee? 要收多少入场费? ☞ Look at the note at pay ². 参看pay^2的注释。




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