

词汇 fearful
释义 fearful
/ˈfɪəfl ||; ˈfɪrfəl/adj (formal 正式)
1 fearful (of sth/doing sth);fearful that... afraid or worried about sth 担心的;害怕的: You should never be fearful of starting something new. 你不应害怕开始作新的尝试。They were fearful that they would miss the plane. 他们担心赶不上这班飞机。 ☞Look at frightened and scared and the note at afraid. These words are much more common. 参看frightenedscaredafraid的注释。这几个词常用得多。
2 terrible 可怕的: the fearful consequences of war 战争造成的可怕结果 fearfully /-fəli ||; -fəlɪ/ adv fearfulness noun [U]




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