

词汇 further
释义 *further¹
/ˈfɜ:ðə(r) ||; ˈfɝðɚ/adj adv
1 more; to a greater degree 更多;进一步: Are there any further questions ? 还有别的问题吗?Please let us know if you require any further information. 如需要更多数据,请告诉我们。I have nothing further to say on the subject. 这个问题我没有别的好说了。The museum is closed until further notice (= until another announcement is made). 博物馆暂时关闭,重开日期容后公布。Can I have time to consider the matter further? 能不能给我一点时间把这件事进一步考虑一下?
2 (also farther) (the comparative of far far的比较级) at or to a greater distance in time or space (时间或空间上)更远: It's not safe to go any further. 再往前走不安全。I can't remember any further back than 1970. 1970年以前的事我已经记不起了。
Further and farther can both be used when you are talking about distance Bristol is further/farther from London than Oxford is. I jumped further/farther than you did. In other senses only further can be used We need a further week to finish the job. 表示距离,furtherfarther都可以用﹕Bristol is furtherarther from London than Oxford is.布里斯托尔去伦敦要比牛津去伦敦远一点。· I jumped further/farther than you did. 我跳得比你远。表达其他含义则只能用further﹕We need a further week to finish the job.我们还要一个星期才能完成这项工作。 further afieldFAR²
/ˈfɜ:ðə(r) ||; ˈfɝðɚ/verb [T] (formal 正式) to help sth to develop or be successful 促进;推动: to further the cause of peace 促进和平事业




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