

词汇 credit
释义 *credit¹
/ˈkredɪt ||; ˈkrɛdɪt/noun
1 [U] a way of buying goods or services and not paying for them until later 赊购;信贷: I bought the television on credit. 我以信贷方式购买这台电视机。
2 [C,U] a sum of money that a bank, etc lends to sb 贷款: The company was not able to get any further credit and went bankrupt. 这家公司无法再取得贷款,接着就破产了。
3 [U] having money in an account at a bank (在银行账户中)有存款: No bank charges are made if your account remains in credit. 只要你的账户仍有存款,银行就不会收费。
4 [C] a payment made into an account at a bank 存入银行账户的款项: There have been several credits to her account over the last month. 上个月有好几笔款子存入她的账户。 [OPP] debit ¹ 反义词为debit^1
5 [U] an act of saying that sb has done sth well 称赞;嘉许: He got all the credit for the success of the project. 这项目得以顺利完成全归功于他。I can't take any credit; the others did all the work. 我不能领功;所有工作都是其他人做的。She didn't do very well but at least give her credit fortrying. 她做得不太好,但曾经作出了努力也值得赞扬。
6 [sing] a credit to sb/sth a person or thing that you should be proud of 值得引以为荣的人或事: She is a credit to her school. 她是她学校的光荣。
7 the credits [pl] the list of the names of the people who made a film or TV programme, shown at the beginning or end of the film (电影或电视节目开头或结尾时的)演员及制作人员名单
8 [C] (US 美) a part of a course at a college or university, that a student has completed successfully 学分
do sb credit (used about sb's qualities or achievements) to be so good that people should be proud of him/her (用于表示某人的质量或成就)值得人们为之骄傲的: His courage and optimism do him credit. 他的勇气和乐观态度使他受到赞赏。 (be) to sb's credit used for showing that you approve of sth that sb has done, although you have criticized him/her for sth else (用于表示赞扬某人所做的某件事情,尽管你曾批评他所做的另一些事情): The company, to its credit, apologized and refunded my money. 那家公司向我道歉,并且把钱退还给我,这还是值得称许的。 have sth to your credit to have finished sth that is successful 取得某方面的成功: He has three best-selling novels to his credit. 他已经写了三本畅销小说。
/ˈkredɪt ||; ˈkrɛdɪt/verb[T]
1 to add money to a bank account 把金额记入银行账户: Has the cheque been credited to my account yet? 那张支票记入我的账户了吗?
2 credit sb/sth with sth;credit sth to sb/sth to believe or say that sb/sth has a particular quality or has done something well 认为…具有某种特性或做某事做得很出色: Of course I wouldn't do such a stupid thing -- credit me with a bit more sense than that! 我当然不会做这种蠢事,请你不要把人看扁了!
3 (especially in negative sentences and questions 尤用于否定句及疑问句) to believe sth 相信: I simply cannot credit that he has made the same mistake again! 我简直没法相信他又犯了同样的错误!




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