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词汇 once
释义 *once
/wʌns ||; wʌns/adv conj
1 one time only; on one occasion 一次;一回: I've only been to France once. 我只去过一次法国。once a week/month/year 每周╱月╱年一次I visit them about once every six months. 我大约每隔六个月拜访他们一次。
2 at some time in the past; formerly 曾经;一度: This house was once the village school. 这幢房子从前是村里的学校。
3 as soon as; when 一…就;当…: Once you've practised a bit you'll find that it's quite easy. 稍稍练习之后,你会发觉那是很容易的。
all at once all at the same time or suddenly 同时;一起;突然;忽然: People began talking all at once. 大家都同时开始说起话来。All at once she got up and left the room. 她突然站起来离开了房间。 at once
1 immediately; now 立刻;马上;现在: Come here at once! 立刻来这里!
2 at the same time 同时: I can't understand if you all speak at once. 如果你们都同时说起话来,我就听不明白。
just this once;(just) for once on this occasion only 只此一次: Just this once, I'll help you with your homework. 我来帮你做家庭作业,不过只此一次,下不为例。 once again;once more one more time; another time 又一次;再一次: Once again the train was late. 火车又一次晚点。Let's listen to that track once more. 我们再来听一遍那首歌。 once and for all now and for the last time 最后一次: You've got to make a decision once and for all. 你得作出最后决定。 once in a blue moon(informal 非正式) very rarely; almost never 罕有;差不多从不 once in a while sometimes but not often 偶尔;间或 once upon a time (used at the beginning of a children's story) a long time ago; in the past (用于儿童故事的开头)很久以前;从前: Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess... 从前有一位美丽的公主…




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