

词汇 impatient
释义 *impatient
/ɪmˈpeɪʃnt ||; ɪmˈpeʃənt/adj
1 impatient (at sth/with sb) not able to stay calm and wait for sb/sth; easily annoyed by sb/sth that seems slow 不耐烦的: The passengers are getting impatient at the delay. 乘客对这次延误越来越不耐烦。It's no good being impatient with small children. 对小孩子光着急没有用。 [OPP] patient 反义词为patient
2 impatient for/to do sth wanting sth to happen soon 迫不及待: By the time they are sixteen many young people are impatient to leave school. 很多年轻人满十六岁时都迫不及待要离开学校。 impatience noun [U]: He began to explain for the third time with growing impatience. 他开始作第三次解释的时候,就越来越不耐烦了。 impatiently adv




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