/ˈventʃə(r) ||; ˈvɛntʃɚ/noun [C] a project which is new and possibly dangerous, because you cannot be sure that it will succeed (刚成立且有风险的)事业,企业: a business venture一家新企业
/ˈventʃə(r) ||; ˈvɛntʃɚ/verb [I] to do sth or go somewhere new and dangerous, when you are not sure what will happen 冒险涉足;大胆行事: He ventured out into the storm to look for the lost child.他冒着暴风雨出去寻找那丢失的孩子。The company has decided to venture into computer production as well as design.那家公司决定除了从事计算机设计以外,也涉足计算机生产。