

词汇 patrol
释义 patrol¹
/pəˈtrəʊl ||; pəˈtrol/verb [I,T] (patrolling;patrolled) to go round an area, a building, etc at regular times to make sure that it is safe and that nothing is wrong 巡逻;巡查
/pəˈtrəʊl ||; pəˈtrol/noun
1 [C,U] the act of going round an area, building, etc at regular times to make sure that it is safe and that nothing is wrong 巡逻;巡查: a police car on patrol in the area 一辆在该地区巡逻的警车
2 [C] a group of soldiers, vehicles, etc that patrol sth 一队巡逻兵;一队巡逻车辆: a naval/police patrol 海军巡逻队;警察巡逻队a patrol car/boat 巡逻车;巡逻艇




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