

词汇 put sth on
释义 put sth on
1 to dress yourself in sth 穿上衣服;戴上某物: Put on your coat! 穿上你的外套!I'll have to put my glasses on. 我得戴上眼镜。
2 to cover an area of your skin with sth (在皮肤上)抹上,涂上(某物): You'd better put some sun cream on. 你最好搽一些防晒膏。
3 to switch on a piece of electrical equipment 打开,启动(电器): It's too early to put the lights on yet. 现在开灯还太早了点儿。
4 to make a tape, a CD, etc begin to play 播放(录音带、激光唱片等): Let's put some music on. 我们播些音乐吧。
5 to become fatter or heavier 变胖或体重增加: I put on weight very easily. 我很容易长胖。 [OPP] lose 反义词为lose
6 to organize or prepare sth for people to see or use 安排或提供某物(给人们观看或使用): The school is putting on ‘Macbeth’. 学校要上演《麦克佩斯》。They put on extra trains in the summer. 他们在夏季增加了火车班次。
7 to pretend to be feeling sth; to pretend to have sth 假装或装作有某种感觉或有某物: He's not angry with you really: he's just putting it on. 他其实没有生你的气,他只是假装罢了。




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