

词汇 push
释义 *push¹
/pʊʃ ||; pυʃ/verb
1 [I,T] to use force to move sb/sth forward or away from you (用力)推,推动 · She pushed him into the water. 她把他推进水里。 [T] to push a pram 推婴儿车She pushed the door shut with her foot. 她用脚一推,把门关上。 ☞picture at pullpull插图
2 [I,T] to move forward by pushing sb/sth 挤向前 · John pushed his way through the crowd. 约翰从人群中挤过去。 [I] to push past sb 从某人身旁挤过去: People were pushing and shoving to try to get to the front. 人们挤呀,推呀,想到前面去。
3 [I,T] to press a switch, button, etc, for example in order to start a machine 按(开关、按钮等) · Push the red button if you want the bus to stop. 如果想要公共汽车停下,单击红色按钮。
4 [T] push sb (to do sth /into doing sth);push sb (for sth) to try to make sb do sth that he/she does not want to do 催促;逼迫: My friend pushed me into entering the competition. 我的朋友迫我参加比赛。Ella will not work hard unless you push her. 除非有人督促埃拉,不然她是不会努力工作的。
5 [T] (informal 非正式) to try to make sth seem attractive, for example so that people will buy it 推销: They are launching a major publicity campaign to push their new product. 他们正发动一个大规模宣传运动,推销他们的新产品。
be hard pressed/pushed/put to do sthHARD²be pushed for sth(informal 非正式) to not have enough of sth 缺乏某物: Hurry up. We're really pushed for time. 快一点,我们真的时间不多。 push sb about/around to give orders to sb in a rude and unpleasant way 把某人差来遣去;摆布: Don't let your boss push you around. 别让你的老板摆布你。 push ahead/forward (with sth) to continue with sth 继续(做某事) push for sth to try hard to get sth 努力争取(某事物): Jim is pushing for a pay rise. 吉姆正努力争取加薪。 push in to join a line of people waiting for sth by standing in front of others who were there before you 插队 push on to continue a journey 继续赶路: Although it was getting dark, we decided to push on. 虽然天色渐暗,我们还是决定继续赶路。 push sb/sth over to make sb/sth fall down by pushing him/her/it 把…推倒
/pʊʃ ||; pυʃ/noun [C] an act of pushing 推;按: Can you help me give the car a pushto get it started? 你可不可以帮我推一把,让我把车子开动起来?The car windows opened at the push of a button. 单击按钮,车窗就打开了。 at a push(informal 非正式) if it is really necessary (but only with difficulty) 必要时;不得已时: We can get ten people round the table at a push. 必要时,这张桌子挤得下十个人。 give sb the push to tell sb you no longer want him/her in a relationship, or in a job 与某人断绝关系;解雇或开除某人




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