

词汇 smear
释义 smear¹
/smɪə(r) ||; smɪr/verb [T] smear sth on/over sth/sb;smear sth/sb with sth to spread a sticky substance across sth/sb 在…上涂上黏性物质: Her face was smeared with blood. 她的脸上都是血污。
/smɪə(r) ||; smɪr/noun[C]
1 a dirty mark made by spreading a substance across sth 污点;污渍
2 something that is not true that is said or written about an important person and that is intended to damage people's opinion about him/her, especially in politics (对重要人物的)诽谤,诋毁,抹黑(尤指在政界): He was the victim of a smear campaign. 他是一场诽谤运动的受害者。




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