

词汇 gun
释义 *gun¹
/gʌn ||; gʌn/noun[C]
1 a weapon that is used for shooting 枪;炮: The robber held a gun to the bank manager's head. 劫匪用枪指着银行经理的脑袋。
Verbs often used with ‘gun’ are load, unload, point, aim, fire. Different types of gun include a machine gun, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun. 常与gun连用的动词有load(装上弹药)、unload(取出弹药)、point/aim(瞄准)、fire(射击)等。枪的种类有机关枪(machine gun)、手枪(pistol)、左轮手枪(revolver)、步枪(rifle)、猎枪(shotgun)等。
2 a tool that uses pressure to send out a substance or an object 枪状物;喷射器: a grease gun 注油枪a staple gun 钉枪
jump the gunJUMP¹
/gʌn ||; gʌn/verb [T] (gunning;gunned)gun sb down(informal 非正式) to shoot and kill or seriously injure sb 枪杀或枪伤某人




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