

词汇 gulp
释义 gulp¹
/gʌlp ||; gʌlp/verb
1 [I,T] gulp sth (down);gulp (for) sth to swallow large amounts of food, drink, etc quickly 快速地、大口地吃或喝;狼吞虎咽: He gulped down his breakfast and went out. 他赶紧吃完早饭便出去了。She finally came to the surface, desperately gulping (for) air. 她终于浮出水面,拚命地大口吸气。
2 [I] to make a swallowing movement because you are afraid, surprised, etc (因恐惧、惊愕等而)吞咽,咽
/gʌlp ||; gʌlp/noun[C]
1 the action of breathing in or swallowing sth 吸气;吞咽: I drank my coffee in one gulp and ran out of the door. 我一口气喝完咖啡,奔出门外。
2 a gulp (of sth) the amount that you swallow when you gulp 大口吞咽的量




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