

词汇 message
释义 *message
/ˈmesɪdʒ ||; ˈmɛsɪdʒ/noun
1 [C] a written or spoken piece of information that you send to or leave for a person when you cannot speak to him/her 口信;留言: Mr Khan is not here at the moment. Can I take a message ? 卡恩先生现在不在。请问要不要留言?Could you give a message to Jake, please? 请你告诉杰克一个消息,可以吗?If he's not in I'll leave a message on his answering machine. 要是他不在家,我就在他的电话录音机上留个口信。
2 [sing] an important idea that a book, speech, etc is trying to communicate (书、演说等的)要点,主旨,主题思想: It was a funny film but it also had a serious message. 那是一部滑稽的电影,但也有严肃的主旨。The advertising campaign is trying to get the message across that smoking kills. 这场宣传运动想要传达一个信息,即吸烟会致命。
get the message(informal 非正式) to understand what sb means even if it is not clearly stated 懂得、明白或领悟某人没有明白表示的意思: He finally got the message and went home. 他终于领会了意思,踏上回家之路。




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