

词汇 mess
释义 *mess¹
/mes ||; mɛs/noun
1 [C] [usu.sing] the state of being dirty or untidy; a person or thing that is dirty or untidy 肮脏;凌乱;肮脏或不整洁的人或东西: The kitchen's in a terrible mess! 这个厨房凌乱不堪!My hair is a mess. 我的头发乱作一团。You can paint the door, but don't make a mess ! 这门你可以上漆,但可不要弄得一塌糊涂!
2 [sing] the state of having problems or troubles 狼狈的困境;混乱的局面;麻烦的情况: The company is in a financial mess. 公司正处于财政困境。to make a mess ofyour life 把一生弄糟
/mes ||; mɛs/verb [T] (US 美) (informal 非正式) to make sth dirty or untidy 弄脏;弄乱: Don't mess your hands. 别把你的手弄脏。 mess about/around
1 to behave in a silly and annoying way 胡闹
2 to spend your time in a relaxed way without any real purpose 逍遥自在地度日;悠闲地过日子: We spent Sunday just messing around at home. 星期日我们只是留在家里,轻松随意地度过。
mess sb about/around to treat sb in a way that is not fair or reasonable, for example by changing your plans without telling him/her 不公平地或无理地对待某人(例如改变计划而不告知对方) mess about/around with sth to touch or use sth in a careless way 瞎弄或乱搞某事物: It is dangerous to mess about with fireworks. 乱弄烟火是很危险的。 mess sth up
1 to make sth dirty or untidy 把某物弄脏或弄乱
2 to do sth badly or spoil sth 把某事物弄糟: I really messed up the last question in the exam. 考试中的最后一道题我答得糟极了。
mess with sb/sth to deal or behave with sb/sth in a way that you should not 以不当的方式处理或表现: You shouldn't mess with people's feelings. 你不该伤人家的感情。




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