

词汇 spring
释义 *spring¹
/sprɪŋ ||; sprɪŋ/noun
1 [C,U] the season of the year between winter and summer when the weather gets warmer and plants begin to grow 春天;春季: Daffodils bloom in spring. 黄水仙在春天开花。 ☞picture at seasonseason插图
2 [C] a long piece of thin metal or wire that is bent round and round. After you push or pull a spring it goes back to its original shape and size. 弹簧: bed springs 床的弹簧 ☞picture at coilcoil插图
3 [C] a place where water comes up naturally from under the ground 泉源;泉: a hot spring 温泉
4 [C] a sudden jump upwards or forwards 跳;跳跃
/sprɪŋ ||; sprɪŋ/verb [I] (past tense sprang /spræŋ ||; spræŋ/ past participle sprung /sprʌŋ ||; sprʌŋ/)
1 to jump or move quickly 跳跃;跃起: When the alarm went off, Ray sprang out of bed. 闹钟一响,雷就从床上跳下来。to spring to your feet (= stand up suddenly) 突然站起来 (figurative 比喻) to spring to sb's defence/assistance (= to quickly defend or help sb) 立即为某人辩护╱提供援助
2 (used about an object) to move suddenly and violently (指物品)反弹: The branch sprang back and hit him in the face. 树枝弹回来,打在他的脸上。
3 to appear or come somewhere suddenly 突然出现或到来: Tears sprang to her eyes. 她双眼顿时眼泪汪汪。Where did you just spring from? 你是从哪里冒出来的?
come/spring to mindMIND¹spring from sth(written 书面语) to be the result of 源自: The idea for the book sprang from an experience she had while travelling in India. 写这本书的想法源自她在印度旅行期间的一次经历。 spring sth on sb(informal 非正式) to do or say sth that sb is not expecting 突然向某人提出某事物 spring up to appear or develop quickly or suddenly 突然出现;迅速发展: Play areas for children are springing up everywhere. 供孩子们玩耍的场所到处出现。




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