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词汇 cold
释义 *cold¹
/kəʊld ||; kold/adj
1 having a low temperature; not hot or warm 冷的: I'm not going into the sea, the water's too cold. 水太冷,我不下海了。Shall I put the heating on? I'm cold. 我觉得冷,让我开暖气。
Compare cold, hot, cool, and warm. Cold indicates a lower temperature than cool and may describe a temperature that is unpleasantly low a terribly cold winter. Cool means ‘fairly cold’ and may describe a pleasantly low temperature It's terribly hot outside but it's nice and cool in here. Hot indicates a higher temperature than warm and may describe a temperature that is unpleasantly high I can't drink this yet, it's too hot. Warm means ‘fairly hot’ and may describe a pleasantly high temperature Come and sit by the fire, you'll soon get warm again. 比较coldhotcoolwarmcold表示温度比cool要低,也许低得令人难受:a terribly cold winter严寒的冬天。cool指凉,令人舒服的低温度:It's terribly hot outside but it's nice and cool in here.外边火辣辣,里边却阴凉舒服。hot表示的温度比warm要高,或许高得令人难受:I can't drink this yet, it's too hot.这个太烫了,我还喝不了。warm指暖,令人舒服的高温度:Come and sit by the fire, you'll soon get warm again.过来坐在炉边暖和暖和吧。
2 (used about food or drink) not heated or cooked; having become cold after being heated or cooked ﹙指食物﹑饮料﹚未加热的﹔冷却的: a cold drink 冷饮Have your soup before it gets cold. 汤趁热喝吧。
3 (used about a person or sb's behaviour) very unfriendly; not showing kindness, understanding, etc (指人或其行为)冷漠的,冷冰冰的: She gave him a cold, hard look. 她冷冷地狠盯了他一眼。
cold turkey suddenly and completely, without getting used to sth gradually 突然而完全;无准备: I gave up smoking cold turkey. 我一下子戒了烟。 get/have cold feet(informal 非正式) to become/be afraid to do sth 害怕起来: She started to get cold feet as her wedding day approached. 婚期逼近,她开始害怕起来。 in cold blood in a cruel way and without pity 冷血地;残酷地: to kill sb in cold blood 残酷地杀人
/kəʊld ||; kold/noun
1 [sing] [U] lack of heat; low temperature; cold weather 冷;寒冷: We walked home in the snow, shivering with cold. 我们冒雪步行回家,冷得直哆嗦。Come on, let's get out of the cold and go indoors. 我们快进屋吧,别在外边挨冷。
2 [C,U] a common illness of the nose and throat. When you have a cold you have a sore throat and often cannot breathe through your nose 感冒;伤风: I think I'm getting a cold. 看来我着了凉。Wear some warm clothes when you go out or you'll catch cold. 出去时穿暖和点,要不你会着凉的。




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