

词汇 far
释义 *far¹
/fɑ:(r) ||; fɑr/adj (farther /ˈfɑ:ðə(r) ||; ˈfɑrðɚ/or further /ˈfɜ:ðə(r) ||; ˈfɝðɚ/ farthest /ˈfɑ:ðɪst ||; ˈfɑrðɪst/or furthest /ˈfɜ:ðɪst ||; ˈfɝðɪst/)
1 distant; a long way away 遥远的;远的: Let's walk -- it's not far. 我们走路去吧──路不远。
2 (only before a noun 只用于名词前) the largest distance of two or more things 较远的(一端或一边等): the far side of the river 河的那端
3 (only before a noun 只用于名词前) a long way from the centre in the direction mentioned 离中心很远的: politicians from the far left of the party 该党极左翼的政客
a far cry from sth/from doing sth an experience that is very different from sth/doing sth 跟某事物或做某事十分不同的经历
/fɑ:(r) ||; fɑr/adv (farther /ˈfɑ:ðə(r) ||; ˈfɑrðɚ/or further /ˈfɜ:ðə(r) ||; ˈfɝðɚ/ farthest /ˈfɑ:ðɪst ||; ˈfɑrðɪst/or furthest /ˈfɜ:ðɪst ||; ˈfɝðɪst/)
1 (at) a distance (距离)远: London's not far from here. 伦敦离这里不远。How far did we walk yesterday? 昨天我们走了多少路?If we sit too far away from the screen I won't be able to see the film. 如果我们坐得离银幕太远,我就看不到电影。I can't swim as far as you. 我游泳游得不如你远。How much further is it? 还有多远?
Far in this sense is usually used in negative sentences and questions. In positive sentences we say a long way: It's a long way from here to the sea. Some sentences have a negative meaning although they are positive in form. Far can be used in them: Let's get a bus. It's much too far to walk. far的这个义项通常用于否定句和疑问句。肯定句用a long way:It's a long way from here to the sea.这里离海边很远。有些肯定句实际上表达否定的意思,可以用far:Let's get a bus. It's much too far to walk.走路太远,我们坐公共汽车去吧。
2 (before comparative adjectives 用于比较级形容词前) very much 十分;很: She's far more intelligent than I thought. 她比我想象的聪明得多。There's far too much salt in this soup. 这汤里盐放得太多了。
3 (to) a certain degree (到)某种程度: How far have you got with your homework? 你功课做多少了?The company employs local people as far as possible. 公司尽可能雇用当地人。
4 a long time (时间)长,久远: We danced far into the night. 我们跳舞一直跳到深夜。
as far as to the place mentioned but not further 到(某处)为止: We walked as far as the river and then turned back. 我们一直走到河边,然后折回。 as/so far as used for giving your opinion or judgement of a situation (用于带出意见或判断): As far as I know, she's not coming, but I may be wrong. 就我所知,她不打算来,但我也许搞错。 As far as school work is concerned, he's hopeless. 说到功课,他真没救。 As far as I'm concerned, this is the most important point. 依我说,这一点最要紧。 As far as I can see, the accident was John's fault, not Ann's. 依我看,这事故是约翰的错,怪不上安。 as far as the eye can see to the furthest place you can see 极目远望;最远看得到 by far (used for emphasizing comparative or superlative words) by a large amount (用于强调比较级或最高级)…得多: Carmen is by far the best student in the class. 卡门是全班最好的学生。 far afield far away, especially from where you live or from where you are staying 远离(尤指远离住处): We decided to hire a car in order to explore further afield. 我们决定租一辆汽车,到更远的地方去看看。 far from doing sth instead of doing sth 没有做预期中的事(却做了其他事情): Far from enjoying the film, he fell asleep in the middle. 这部影片他不但没有欣赏,反而看了一半就睡着了。 far from sth almost the opposite of sth; not at all 远非某事;不点也不: He's far from happy (= he's very sad or angry). 他一点也不开心。 far from it(informal 非正式) certainly not; just the opposite 完全不是;刚好相反: ‘Did you enjoy your holiday?’ ‘No, far from it. It was awful.’ “假期玩得开心吗?”“一点也不开心。简直糟透了。” few and far betweenFEWgo far
1 to be enough 足够: This food won't go very far between three of us. 这点东西我们三个人根本不够吃。
2 to be successful in life (人生中)成功: Dan is very talented and should go far. 丹很有才华,应当大有作为。
go too far to behave in a way that causes trouble or upsets other people 过分(引致麻烦或令人不快): He's always been naughty but this time he's gone too far. 他总是很顽皮,但这回实在太过分了。 so far until now 直至现在: So far the weather has been good but it might change. 直至现时为止,天气都很好,但也许有变。 so far so good(spoken 口语) everything has gone well until now 到目前为止一切顺利




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