

词汇 fanatic
释义 fanatic
/fəˈnætɪk ||; fəˈnætɪk/noun [C] a person who is very enthusiastic about sth and may have extreme or dangerous opinions (especially about religion or politics) 狂热者(尤指对宗教或政治的): a religious fanatic 狂热的教徒She's a health-food fanatic. 她是保健食品的狂热信徒。 [SYN] fiend or freak 同义词为fiendfreakfanatical /-kl ||; -kḷ/ adj He's fanatical about keeping things tidy. 他有过分讲求整齐的癖好。 fanatically /-kli ||; -klɪ/ adv fanaticism /-tɪsɪzəm ||; -təˌsɪzəm/ noun [U]




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