

词汇 go out
释义 go out
1 to leave the place where you live or work for a short time, returning on the same day 离开一会儿: Let's go out for a meal tonight(= to a restaurant). 我们今晚上馆子吧。I'm just going out for a walk, I won't be long. 我只是出去散一会儿步,不会太久。
2 to stop shining or burning (灯、火)熄灭: Suddenly all the lights went out. 突然间所有的灯都熄灭了。
3 to stop being fashionable or in use 过时;不再使用: That kind of music went out in the seventies. 这种音乐在七十年代已经过时。
4 (used about the sea) to move away from the land (指海水)退潮: Is the tide coming in or going out? 现在是在涨潮还是在退潮? [SYN] ebb 同义词为 ebb ☞Look at tide ¹. 参看 tide^1。




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