

词汇 fund
释义 *fund¹
/fʌnd ||; fʌnd/noun
1 [C] a sum of money that is collected for a particular purpose 专款;基金: They contributed £30 to the disaster relief fund. 他们捐了30英镑给救灾基金。
2 funds [pl] money that is available and can be spent 资金: The hospital is trying to raise funds for a new kidney machine. 医院正筹集资金买一台新的血液透析器。
/fʌnd ||; fʌnd/verb [T] to provide a project, school, charity etc with money 提供资金;资助;拨款: The Channel Tunnel is not funded by government money. 海峡隧道并非由政府拨款兴建。




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