/dʒəʊk ||; dʒok/noun1 [C] something said or done to make you laugh, especially a funny story 玩笑;笑话: to tell/crack jokes 说笑话a dirty joke (= about sex) 下流的笑话I'm sorry, I didn't get the joke (= understand it). 对不起,我听不明白这个笑话。 ☞Look at practical joke. 参看practical joke。
2 [sing] a ridiculous person, thing or situation 可笑的人、事物或情形: The salary he was offered was a joke! 只给他这么少的薪金,简直是开玩笑!
play a joke/trick on sb to trick sb in order to amuse yourself or other people 愚弄(某人);拿(某人)开玩笑
see the joke to understand what is funny about a joke or trick 明白某个笑话的意思
take a joke to be able to laugh at a joke against yourself 不介意做笑柄:
The trouble with Pete is he can't take a joke. 皮特的问题是,他开不起玩笑。