

词汇 excess
释义 excess¹
/ɪkˈses ||; ɪkˈsɛs/noun [sing] an excess (of sth) more of sth than is necessary or usual; too much of sth 过量;过多: An excess of fat in your diet can lead to heart disease. 吃过多脂肪容易得心脏病。 in excess of more than 超过: Her debts are in excess of £1000. 她欠债超过1000英镑。 ☞verb exceed 动词为 exceed
/ˈekses ||; ˈɛksɛs/adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前) more than is usual or allowed; extra 过多的;额外的: Cut any excess fat off the meat. 把肉上多余的脂肪切掉。 ☞verb exceed 动词为 exceed




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