

词汇 exception
释义 *exception
/ɪkˈsepʃn ||; ɪkˈsɛpʃən/noun [C] a person or thing that is not included in a general statement 例外;不包括在内的人或物: Most of his songs are awful but this one is an exception. 他的歌大部份都很不好听,这一支倒是例外。Everybody was poor as a student and I was no exception. 作为学生,人人都穷,我也不例外。 make an exception (of sb/sth) to treat sb/sth differently 把…作为例外: We don't usually allow children under 14 but we'll make an exception in your case. 一般说来,我们不会接待14岁以下的小孩,但是你的情况可以通融。 with the exception of except for; apart from 除了: He has won every major tennis championship with the exception of Wimbledon. 除了温布尔顿锦标赛,他在所有重要的网球锦标赛中都得了冠军。 without exception in every case; including everyone/everything 没有例外: Everybody without exception must take the test. 人人都得参加测验,没有例外。




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