

词汇 exactly
释义 *exactly
/ɪgˈzæktli ||; ɪgˈzæktlɪ/adv
1 (used to emphasize that sth is correct in every way) just (用于强调)正好: You've arrived at exactly the right moment. 你来得正是时候。I found exactly what I wanted. 我找到了我正要找的东西。
2 used to ask for, or give, completely correct information 准确地: He took exactly one hour to finish. 他花了正好一个钟头完成,不多不少。 [SYN] precisely 同义词为 precisely
3 (spoken 口语) (used for agreeing with a statement) yes; you are right (表示同意)对的,正确: ‘I don't think she's old enough to travel on her own.’ ‘Exactly.’ “她年纪还小,我认为不该独个儿旅行。”“说得对。”
not exactly(spoken 口语)
1 (used when you are saying the opposite of what you really mean) not really; not at all (表达与实际相反的意思)并不,一点也不: He's not exactly the most careful driver I know. 他并不是我认识的开车最小心的司机。
2 (used as an answer to say that sth is almost true) (用于回答,表示几乎正确): ‘So you think I'm wrong?’ ‘No, not exactly, but ...’ “这么说,你认为我错了?”“不完全是,可是…”




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