

词汇 plain
释义 *plain¹
/pleɪn ||; plen/adj
1 easy to see, hear or understand; clear 清晰的;清楚的;明白的;浅易的: It was plain that he didn't want to talk about it. 他显然不想谈论这件事。She made it plain that she didn't want to see me again. 她明确表示她不想再见到我。
2 (used about people, thoughts, actions, etc) saying what you think; direct and honest (指人、思想、行动等)直截了当的,坦率的,真诚的: I'll be plain with you. I don't like the idea. 坦白对你说,我不喜欢那主意。
3 simple in style; not decorated or complicated 朴素的;简朴的;简单的: My father likes plain English cooking. 我父亲喜欢清淡的英国菜。
4 (only before a noun 只用于名词前) all one colour; without a pattern on it 单色的;没有花纹的;素净的: a plain blue jumper 素净的蓝色套头毛衣
5 (used especially about a woman or girl) not beautiful or attractive (尤指妇女或女孩)不美的,相貌平庸的: She's a rather plain child. 她是个相貌平庸的女孩。
/pleɪn ||; plen/noun [C] a large area of flat land with few trees 平原
/pleɪn ||; plen/adv (spoken 口语) completely 完全: That's plain silly. 那么做十分愚蠢。




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