

词汇 rake
释义 rake
/reɪk ||; rek/noun [C] a garden tool with a long handle and a row of metal teeth, used for collecting leaves or making the earth smooth 耙子 ☞picture at gardengarden插图 rake verb [T] to rake up the leaves 用耙子把树叶耙在一起 rake sth in(informal 非正式) to earn a lot of money, especially when it is done easily 挣一大笔钱(尤指不费力气地): She's been raking it in since she got promoted. 自获得晋升以来,她挣了大笔钱。 rake sth up to start talking about sth that it would be better to forget 重提最好忘记的事;翻旧账: Don't rake up all those old stories again. 不要再提那些旧事了。




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