/ˈɜ:li ||; ˈɝlɪ/adj adv(
1 near the beginning of a period of time, a piece of work, a series, etc 早期的;在早期;初期: I have to get up early on weekday mornings. 星期一到星期五,我每天都要早起床。I think John's in his early twenties. 我认为约翰才二十出头。The project is still in its early stages. 计划仍在初步阶段。
2 before the usual or expected time 提早: She arrived five minutes early for her interview. 她为了面试早到了五分钟。
at the earliest not before the date or time mentioned 最早:
I can repair it by Friday at the earliest. 我最早也要星期五才能修理好。 it's early days (yet) used to say that it is too soon to know how a situation will develop 为时尚早
the early hours very early in the morning in the hours after midnight 凌晨
an early/a late night→
NIGHTearly on soon after the beginning 开始后不久:
He achieved fame early on in his career. 他出道不久就成名了。 an early riser a person who usually gets up early in the morning 习惯早起的人