

词汇 duty
释义 *duty
/ˈdju:ti; US ˈdu:tɪ ||; ˈdutɪ/noun (plural duties)
1 [C,U] something that you have to do because people expect you to do it or because you think it is right 责任;本分;义务: A soldier must do his duty. 士兵要履行职责。a sense of moral duty 道义上的责任感
2 [C,U] the tasks that you do when you are at work 职责;职务: the duties of a policeman 警察的职责Which nurses are on night duty this week? 这星期哪几名护士值夜班?
3 [C] a tax that you pay, especially on goods that you bring into a country 税(尤指关税)
on/off duty (used about doctors, nurses, police officers, etc) to be working/not working (指医生、护士、警察等)值班或不值班: The porter's on duty from 8 till 4. 搬运工人8点上班,4点下班。What time does she go off duty? 她通常在什么时候下班?




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