

词汇 accompany
释义 *accompany
/əˈkʌmpəni ||; əˈkʌmpənɪ/verb [T] (present participle accompanying third person singular present accompanies;past tense past participle accompanied)
1 to go together with sb/sth 陪伴;伴同: He went to America accompanied by his wife and three children. 他在妻子和三个孩子的陪同下前往美国。Massive publicity accompanied the film's release. 这部电影的发行配合大量宣传。
2 accompany sb (on sth) to play music for a singer or another instrument (为歌手或其他乐器)伴奏: She accompanied him on the guitar. 她弹吉他给他伴奏。




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