

词汇 grudge
释义 grudge¹
/grʌdʒ ||; grʌdʒ/noun [C] a grudge (against sb) unfriendly feelings towards sb, because you are angry about what has happened in the past 怨恨: to bear a grudge against sb 对某人怀恨在心
/grʌdʒ ||; grʌdʒ/verb [T] grudge sb sth;grudge doing sth to be unhappy that sb has sth or that you have to do sth 妒忌;不情愿做: I don't grudge him his success -- he deserves it. 我不妒忌他的成功,他是实至名归的。I grudge having to pay so much tax. 我不情愿交这么多税。 ☞Look at begrudge. 参看begrudge




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