

词汇 going
释义 going¹
/ˈgəʊɪŋ ||; ˈgoɪŋ/noun
1 [sing] (formal 正式) the act of leaving a place 离开: We were all saddened by his going. 他的离去叫我们都感到很难过。 [SYN] departure 同义词为departure
2 [U] the rate or speed of travel, progress, etc 进展、行进等的速度: Three children in four years? That's not bad going ! 四年里生了三个孩子?真不简单啊!
3 [U] how difficult it is to make progress (取得进展的)难度: The path up the mountain was rough going. 上山的路崎岖不平。It'll be hard going if we need to finish this by Friday! 我们要在星期五完成这件工作,那可不容易啊!
get out, go, leave, etc while the going is good to leave a place or stop doing sth while it is still easy to do so 趁早离开或停止(做某事)
/ˈgəʊɪŋ ||; ˈgoɪŋ/adja going concern a successful business 成功的企业 the going rate (for sth) the usual cost (of sth) (货物、服务等的)市价,时价: What's the going rate for an office cleaner? 办公室清洁工的一般工资是多少?




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