

词汇 patience
释义 *patience
/ˈpeɪʃns ||; ˈpeʃəns/noun[U]
1 patience (with sb/sth) the quality of being able to stay calm and not get angry, especially when there is a difficulty or you have to wait a long time 忍耐;耐心;耐性: I've got no patience with people who don't even try. 我对那些试都不肯试一下的人没有耐性。to lose patiencewith sb 对某人失去耐心 [OPP] impatience 反义词为impatience
2 (USsolitaire) a card game for only one player 单人纸牌游戏;通关(一人独玩的纸牌戏)




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