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词汇 out of
释义 *ˈout of
1 (used with verbs expressing movement) away from the inside of sth (与动词连用,表示从某物内部离开): She took her purse out of her bag. 她从手提包里取出钱包。to get out of bed 起床 [OPP] into 反义词为into
2 away from or no longer in a place or situation 离开(某处);脱离(某情况): He's out of the country on business. 他到国外出差去了。The doctors say she's out of danger. 医生们说她已脱离危险。
3 at a distance from a place 离(某地)有一段距离: We live a long way out of London. 我们住在离伦敦很远的地方。
4 used for saying which feeling causes you to do sth (表示因为某种感觉而做某事): I was only asking out of curiosity. 我只是出于好奇才问的。
5 used for saying what you use to make sth else (用于说明某物用什么制成): What is this knife made out of ? 这把小刀是用什么制成的?to be made out of wood/metal/plastic/gold 用木头╱金属╱塑料╱黄金制成
6 from among a number or set 从(一个数目或一套)中: Nine out of ten people prefer this model. 十个人之中有九个都喜欢这种型号。
7 from; having sth as its source 从;以…为来源: I copied the recipe out of a book. 那食谱是我从一本书上抄下来的。I paid for it out of the money I won on the lottery. 我是用彩票中奖的钱支付的。
8 used for saying that you no longer have sth (表示缺乏或不再有): to be out of milk/sugar/tea 牛奶╱糖╱茶叶没有了He's been out of work for months. 他已经失业几个月了。
9 used for saying that sth is not as it should be (表示情况不正常): My notes are all out of order and I can't find the right page. 我的笔记乱七八糟的,我找不到要找的那一页。
be/feel out of it to be/feel lonely and unhappy because you are not included in sth (因不是某事物的一分子而)闷闷不乐,寂寞,难过: I don't speak French so I felt rather out of it at the meeting. 我不会说法语,所以在会上感到很不自在。 out of boundsBOUNDSout of orderORDER¹




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