

词汇 hopeless
释义 hopeless
/ˈhəʊpləs ||; ˈhoplɪs/adj
1 giving no hope that sth/sb will be successful or get better 无望的;绝望的: It's hopeless. There is nothing we can do. 没有希望了。我们也没有办法。
2 (informal 非正式)hopeless (at sth) (especially Brit 尤为英) (used about a person) often doing things wrong; very bad at doing sth (指人)常常做错事,(在某方面)很不行: I'm absolutely hopeless at tennis. 我网球打得糟透了。 hopelessly adv They were hopelessly lost. 他们完全迷了路。 hopelessness noun [U]




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