

词汇 hope
释义 *hope¹
/həʊp ||; hop/verb [I,T] hope that...;hope to do sth;hope (for sth) to want sth to happen or be true 希望(某事发生或成真) [I] ‘Is it raining?’ ‘ I hope not. I haven't got a coat with me.’ “在下雨吗?”“希望不是。我没带雨衣呢。” [I] ‘Are you coming to London with us ?’ ‘I'm not sure yet but I hope so.’ “你会与我们一起到伦敦来吗?”“有这个想法,不过还说不准。”I hope that you feel better soon. 希望你早日好转。Hoping to hear from you soon (= at the end of a letter). 伫候回音(写于信末)。
/həʊp ||; hop/noun
1 [C,U] (a) hope (of/for sth);(a) hope of doing sth;(a) hope that... the feeling of wanting sth to happen and thinking that it will 希望: What hope is there for the future? 未来还有什么希望?There is no hope of finding anybody else alive. 再没有希望找到其他生还者了。David has high hopes of becoming a jockey (= is very confident about it). 戴维对成为骑师充满信心。· She never gave up hope that a cure for the disease would be found. 她坚信总有一天能找到治愈这种疾病的方法。
2 [sing] a person, a thing or a situation that will help you get what you want 带来希望的人、事物或情况: Please can you help me? You're my last hope. 求你帮帮我,你是我最后的指望了。
dash sb's hopes (of sth/of doing sth)DASH²in the hope of sth/that… because you want sth to happen 抱着…的希望: I came here in the hope that we could talk privately. 我到这里来,是想跟你单独谈谈。 pin (all) your hopes on sb/sthPIN²a ray of hopeRAY




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