

词汇 hook
释义 *hook¹
/hʊk ||; hυk/noun[C]
1 a curved piece of metal, plastic, etc that is used for hanging sth on or for catching fish 钩;鱼钩: Put your coat on the hook over there. 把你的外套挂在那边的钩子上。a fish-hook 鱼钩
2 (used in boxing) a way of hitting sb that is done with the arm bent (拳击比赛)钩拳: a right hook (= with the right arm) 右钩拳
off the hook (used about the top part of a telephone) not in position, so that telephone calls cannot be received (指电话听筒)没有挂好(因此电话打不进来) get/let sb off the hook(informal 非正式) to free yourself or sb else from a difficult situation or punishment 使摆脱困境或惩罚: My father paid the money I owed and got me off the hook. 爸爸帮我还了债,为我解了围。
/hʊk ||; hυk/verb
1 [I,T] to fasten or catch sth with a hook or sth in the shape of a hook; to be fastened in this way (被或用钩)钩;(被或用钩状物)钩(住) · We hooked the trailer to the back of the car. 我们将拖车钩在汽车后面。The curtain simply hooks onto the rail. 窗帘给栏杆钩住了。
2 [T] to put sth through a hole in sth else (将某物)穿过…: Hook the rope through your belt. 将绳子从你的皮带穿过去。
hook (sth) up (to sth) to connect sb/sth to a piece of electronic equipment or to a power supply 将…接上电子设备或电源




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