

词汇 fake
释义 fake¹
/feɪk ||; fek/noun[C]
1 a work of art, etc that seems to be real or genuine but is not 赝品;仿冒品
2 a person who is not really what he/she appears to be 冒充者 fake adj a fake passport 假护照
/feɪk ||; fek/verb[T]
1 to copy sth and try to make people believe it is the real thing 伪造;仿冒: He faked his father's signature. 他假冒他父亲的签名。
2 to make people believe that you are feeling sth that you are not 假装: I faked surprise when he told me the news. 他告诉我这个消息的时候,我故作惊奇。




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